Welcome to RhonThom.com

If you've never been to this webpage before, it's a hub that links you up with some of my things on the web. 

Thank you for visiting!

Rhonda Thomas

See some of my things at these web locations

About me

I'm a researcher, nonfiction writer, technical writer, instructional designer, and adjunct lecturer of technical writing and English composition. I hold a BA and MA in Professional and Technical Writing, and an Online Writing Instruction Graduate Certificate from the University of Arkansas at Little Rock. I've co-authored book chapters in edited collections which focus on the importance of designing mechanism into web-based educational opportunities that promote harmonious relationships between instructors and learners. I care deeply about building web-based educational spaces that are psychologically safe.

I'm currently working towards an MS in Education, Digital Age Learning and Educational Technology at Johns Hopkins University and my research interests include leveraging HCI, UX, and HCD to improve web-based writing instruction design.

My social media and online communities